Fujiiryoki JP-1100 4D/4S 按摩椅 黑色
Fujiiryoki JP-1100 4D/4S 按摩椅 黑色
Fujiiryoki JP-1100 4D/4S 按摩椅 黑色
使用我们的电动按摩椅尽情放松,它提供令人难以置信的 86 种按摩技巧,可舒缓您的身心。这款最先进的按摩椅非常适合家庭使用,具有 21 个自动预设程序和 60 个手动程序,可定制您的按摩体验。我们的 4D/4S 机械按摩技术由 Fujiiryoki 创造,提供强大而精确的按摩动作,而来自日本日立的高端机械部件确保了椅子的耐用性和寿命。椅子舒适耐用的内饰为您的家增添了一丝奢华,您会爱上针对头部、颈部、肩部和臀部区域的全身按摩。此外,伸展按摩计划有助于改善腿部和手臂的身体活动度和血液流动,而使用滚轮和气囊进行的足部和小腿按摩则可以缓解和放松。立即购买我们的日本制造按摩椅,体验终极放松!
使用最先进的 Fujiiryoki JP 1100 尽情享受日本提供的极致奢华按摩体验。这款椅子专为满足各种体型和减轻疼痛而设计,是真正的游戏规则改变者。在舒适的家中体验这种治疗性按摩的好处,因为它针对您最需要的部位——包括颈部僵硬、上下肩胛骨、脚、腿和腰部。您终于可以享受 JP 1100 带来的极致放松和焕发活力。
借助 Fujiiryoki 的尖端人工智能系统,您将享受到根据您身体独特的形状和位置完美定制的按摩。我们的双传感技术可快速准确地检测您的脊柱弯曲度和肩部位置,使我们先进的传感器能够提供深度、奢华的按摩,精确定位您的肌肉。
不要满足于一般的按摩体验,让您感觉除了精神焕发和恢复活力之外什么都没有。升级到 Fujiiryoki 先进的身体扫描技术,体验极致的放松和健康。
Double heaters
Fujiiryoki JP-1100 Massage Chair has double heaters which can often become stiff and sore due to a variety of factors such as poor posture, stress, and physical activity. By utilizing the device's heating pads, users can experience gentle and consistent heat therapy that helps to alleviate these symptoms and promote relaxation.
The second heating mechanism of the JP-1100 is designed to warm up the soles of the feet, which can become uncomfortably cold due to poor circulation, exposure to cold temperatures, or prolonged periods of inactivity. The device's heating elements offer targeted heat therapy to this area, improving circulation and reducing discomfort.
Flat Position
The concept of 0 gravity on massage chairs refers to the chair's ability to recline to a position that simulates weightlessness, similar to the sensation of being in space. This position is achieved by elevating the feet and tilting the chair back, which helps to relieve pressure on the spine and reduce muscle tension throughout the body. The 0 gravity position also helps to improve blood circulation, allowing for a deeper, more effective massage experience. Overall, 0 gravity is a popular feature in modern massage chairs, providing a comfortable and therapeutic experience for users.